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- Well, I hope some of you have responded with some of your own views
- concerning the subject's covered in last month's column.
- If you have written to CHANNEL Z, well done! I was beginning to get
- very disillusioned with the response I was getting to my article's
- and comments i.e. NOTHING!
- If you didn't reply, well, that's your decision, but the point about
- doing articles in disk magazine's is so you can air your own opinions
- and views, without the danger of you letters being edited by the
- likes of Amiga Format or CU Amiga. Have none of you got your own
- opinions?
- Haven't you read an article in a magazine that has made you boil with
- anger, you have!, then get fingers to keys and express your feelings.
- Right, the main news is of course the imminent takeover of Commodore.
- It seems the rumour mongers have been going overboard over the
- last couple of month's, telling us of Commodore's ultimate demise.
- Rumour's, hmmm, they are an evil thing. Many arguments have been
- started because of such childish thing's.
- Who starts them? Probably the same people who have nothing
- interesting to say, so instead, make up complete and utter crap about
- a subject they nothing about in the first place.
- I must admit, it is worrying when you here that the makers of the
- computer you have paid hundreds of pounds for is going to close down.
- You cannot help but believe certain rumours, especially when you have
- heard that Commodore have made a financial lose in AF and in CU. So
- now Commodore US is no more. Well, let's face it, the Amiga was never
- strong in the USA. (Excluding the A4000). The Amiga is still very
- strong in Europe and hopefully, will be for a very long time. Samsung
- and Hewlett Packard have been mentioned as possible interested
- party's in Commodore's future. No one know's for sure, but, whoever
- takes over the rain's, will, hopefully, realise they have the most
- loyal customers around. We all have to be positive and keep our chins
- up by continuing to support Commodore, we are Commodore's future and
- together we can make the Amiga name live on!
- When it comes to news about Commodore, I have taken the attitude of
- only believing what is said about Commodore, when it comes from the
- mouth's of David Pleasance or Colin Proudfoot.
- I for one have a lot of admiration for David Pleasance. Throughout
- Commodore's financial crisis he has always put across a positive and
- forward looking attitude, he has never been negative. He could so
- easily have done the same as Kelly Sumner (Ex MD), i.e. Thinking that
- Commodore was at an end, quit his job like a Captain leave's a
- sinking ship, and take a career dive by starting up a third rate
- Software Publisher. I pity you Mr. Sumner, as do many fellow Amiga
- owners, you showed that when the pressure was on , you could not
- cope, and, being the spineless individual that you are, have since
- lost all your respect within the Computer industry. We laugh at you,
- I laugh in your face, when Commodore hopefully are back in the black,
- and begin to grow again I, as will every Amiga and Commodore owner in
- the U.K. will know, it was no thanks to YOU!
- A new Amiga Magazine was published recently, called 'Amiga Pro' it is
- in fact two mags, one for Amiga's in general and one for 32bit
- Amiga's, CD32 included.
- On the whole a very interesting read, but I couldn't help but realise
- that the magazine in general, took a much too negative attitude
- concerning the future of the Amiga. What Did you think?
- There were some good articles from programmers and developers in the
- first issue, these included Andrew Braybook, Archer Mclean and Martin
- Kenwright, the boss of 'DID'. It is his comments and views that I
- would like to respond to.
- He gave me the impression that Amiga owners should be privileged in
- some way, that DID are still supporting our machine. His overall view
- is that the Amiga including the Mighty A4000, is outclassed by the
- 486PC.
- Well lets have a look at YOUR history, shall we Mr. Kenwright.
- Let's look at your first product, 'F29-Retaliator'. Bugged beyond
- belief on its initial release, (Try flying under a bridge or past a
- mountain), an over praised 3D engine (Objects suddenly appearing from
- nowhere.) Need I go on. Not a very good start eh! Ahh Yes, then we
- have 'RoboCop 3'. Has anyone seen the film yet, you have!, well the
- film I saw only had the remotest similarity to the game, and DID were
- supposed to have access the script! Robocop 3 also suffered from
- delayed mouse response, dated visuals, occasional software crashes,
- and poor sound. We are not doing very well so far are we Marty. Then
- of course there is 'Epic' (Stop laughing at the back!) a game that
- was so rushed and under playtested that the average player finished
- the hole thing in a matter of 2 hours. It was bugged, you were
- incompetent enough not to take out the cheat mode, the story fell in
- on it's self if you failed certain missions. On the hole, a game that
- re-defined the words amateurish, pathetic and over hyped.
- Finally we have 'TFX'. I have yet to play it on the A1200 or CD32,
- but's lets have a look at some of the comments about the PC version.
- You need the fastest 486 (No surprise there, your programmers need a
- fast processor to make up for there sloppy programming). It suffers
- from intermittent software crashes, has long delays while accessing
- the HARDDISK! The CD-ROM version suffers from unbearable music that
- you cannot switch off, and very poor CD accessing, in fact some
- reviewers actually recommended the floppy version compared to the CD-
- ROM version.
- Well not exactly a history to be very proud of, eh Mr. Kenwright. You
- should be glad that AMIGA owners still buy your products. The fact
- you say that the Amiga is outclassed by the PC is proof that your
- programmers are incompetent, if they new the full capabilities of the
- A1200, CD32 and A4000, and could get the best from them, you would
- not be whining like a little girl about the Amiga being to slow.
- There are many games and simulators available on the 16Bit A500,
- that, 4 years ago, would have been programming miracles. It has just
- taken that long for the programmers to get to grips with the machine!
- So before you start making a fool of yourself in a magazine again,
- make sure your staff know the full capabilities of the Amiga
- hardware, because at the present moment, they do not!
- I hope that has put you and A1200 owners throughout the world
- straight on a few truths. You have a long way to go yet before you
- are producing software like 'F1 Grand Prix' and 'Frontier.'
- The prototype CD1200 has made an appearance at last! Commodore said
- that all being well it should be on sale in September. They are now
- saying that it might not see the light of day until 1995.
- I say, if they brought it out in time for the 'World of Commodore
- show' in November, (If there is still going to be one!) they would
- sell thousands of them and absolutely clean up during the Xmas
- period. We all know that 90% of A1200 owners would buy the CD1200.
- Let's just hope Commodore's new owner doesn't put off the CD1200 for
- to long!!!!
- What the magazine's seem to have failed to point out is that the
- CD1200 requires Kick-start 3.1, or even 4.0.
- This must obviously mean that all A1200 owners will have to replace
- there Kick-start Roms. Unless of course Commodore have managed to
- somehow incorporate the extra commands in the CD1200 itself.
- This is a bit of a bummer for all you A1200 owners out there with
- machines still under warranty!
- On the subject of the CD1200 plugging into the trapdoor, we all know
- this will mean that all the owners who have accelerators or ram
- expansions will be a bit miffed, and rightly so, but how long will it
- be before someone releases a piece of hardware that fits between the
- trapdoor and the CD interface allowing users to use a Accelerator/Ram
- expansion as well. Surely it is possible, come on GVP,
- Powercomputing, and the rest of you, you would sell thousands and
- thousands of units. Is the technology available though, I don't know?
- You cannot help but get drawn into the hype concerning the 'Super
- Consoles' at the moment. Everyone seems to be ranting on about the
- Jaguar (A super console that is cartridge based? I think not!) SONY
- PSX, Saturn, Project Reality and 3DO (Complete with bugged CD drive),
- without the slightest mention of he CD32.
- Well all I can say is the CD32 is here NOW! Games are available NOW!
- Expansions are available NOW! Every day that passes finds programmers
- getting to know the machine better and better. You can have the most
- powerful console ever made, but if no one knows how to get the best
- performance from it, the software is going to be trash.
- It was good to see that the preview screenshots to 'Simon the
- Sorcerer II' look like they have been hand drawn. They look
- absolutely superb. It is good to see that Adventure Soft have chosen
- to use this method, as most adventure games now seem to be just
- Digitised fuzzy backgrounds (Innocent Until Caught anyone!)
- I hope the Graphic Artist is not a dying breed when it comes to
- adventure games, but, with the advances in technology used during the
- production of most adventure games now, how much longer will there be
- a need for one?
- 'The First Encounters' the sequel to 'Frontier' is in production.
- Well to say I am excited is an understatement. Although after seeing
- 'Frontier' on the CD32 I'm not so sure. I must agree with the
- comments made in CU, I mean, what a wasted opportunity that was. With
- the scope that is available to them, 'GameteK' port the floppy
- version directly over, without the hint of tweaking! 600K of data
- stored on a disk capable of 600MB. What a waste!
- The 'Blizzard 1220/4 Turbo Memory Board has been released, including
- built in 68EC020 28mhz processor and 4mb of ram. An astonishing price
- of £219, an absolute bargain, and up until a couple of months ago
- would have sold like hot cakes. The problem is, now we all know about
- the CD1200, who's going to buy a trapdoor expansion. Poor timing, or
- unlucky timing for the Blizzard, I don't know!
- Team 17 have made a wise decision and injected some new blood into
- there system in the shape of BLOODHOUSE. Team 17 know promising
- programmers when they see them and looking at the screenshots to
- 'STARDUST AGA' they certainly look promising. Although, screenshots
- can be misleading? (Can't they Darren!)
- Finally, June saw the release of 'Elf Mania', finally a beat-em-up
- worthy of the Amiga. The screenshots look stunning and there is
- supposed to be all sorts of programming trickery. The programmers
- have obviously gone to a lot of trouble to bring us an exceptional
- game, so reward them by BUYING IT! You went out and bought
- Streetfighter II in your thousands and that was trash, so do the same
- with 'Elf Mania' knowing this time however you will be rewarded with
- a quality game.
- It was sad to see PSYGNOSIS releasing licenced trash in the shape of
- 'Bram Stokers Dracula, Last Action Hero and CliffHanger.' All of
- which are poor, rushed, poorly programmed garbage. There was a time
- when PSYGNOSIS wouldn't have had the nerve to release such tripe. How
- times change!!!!
- That's it this month, I hope I have kept you interested and remember
- if you want to comment on anything I have said, write to CHANNEL Z!
- (C) P.Horton for CHANNEL Z.